Themes you can come to me with

These are a few examples. Are you unsure if I can help you with your question or complaints? You can always send me a message so we can figure this out together!

I have it all together and yet I am unhappy.

I often feel restless and tense and would like to feel calm and relaxed again. 

I have difficulties getting or maintaining a romantic relationship.

I have difficulty recognizing and indicating my boundaries. 

I suffer from past events and would like to process them in a healthy way. 

I would like to be more assertive.

I am afraid of others leaving me and this keeps me from dating or getting into a relationship.

I find it difficult to commit to someone in a relationship. 

I would like to feel more positive and powerful in life. 

I don't know what I want with my career and I would like more clarity in this.

I find it difficult to accept my emotions and to talk about my feelings. 

I am strict and demanding of myself. 

I ruminate a lot.

Self-image, Burn-out and stress complaints, Feeling gloomy, Anxiety, Trauma, Fear of commitment or abandonment, Self-compassion and Self-love, Dealing with emotions, Worrying, Spiritual & Purpose questions, Perfectionism, Fear of failure, Difficulty making decisions, Assertiveness

I know I have more in me, but my insecurity keeps me from showing and developing myself fully.

Frequently asked questions

If you don't find answers to your questions, please feel free to contact me! 

I'm not sure if I need a coach or psychologist.

Do you have doubts about whether your complaints and quastions are serious enough to start working with a psychologist or coach? Know that this is very normal and that many people have doubts about this. It often feels like a big step to seek help. In this case it might be helpful to schedule an introductory call. During this conversation we can explore your doubts together and I will think with you about what kind of help might be appropriate for you. 

What happens after I have completed and submitted the contact form?

I will contact you within 3 working days for an introductory phone call. During this conversation we can get to know each other and I can answer all your questions. We can also explore together whether my offering suits you. If after this conversation you want to work together, we will schedule the intake immediately.

Our intake is scheduled. How can I prepare for this?

Before our intake starts, it is helpfull if I already know a little bit more about you, your life, your lifestyle and what you are struggling with. Therefore I will send you a questionnaire to fill out before our first appointment. This allows me to properly prepare for our conversation and get an even more complete picture of you.  

How does video calling work with an online appointment?

Before our online appointment, you will receive a link from me by email. You do not need to download a special program and you can just click on the link in the mail.